Thursday, November 24, 2011

Turkey trot, black friday shopping?

6km, easy.

With my one and only long sleeve thermal shirt in the laundry bin and knowing that my wind jacket is actually a portable sauna, I decided to give my old tennis jacket a try. It failed miserably.
After no more than 500m I felt like the turkey must have felt a few hours later when it was in the oven all covered with aluminum foil. The jacket went flying in the back of the stroller and I was left with only a t-shirt, which didn't make my elbows happy. I was lucky because the temperature was a few degrees above freezing point so it wasn't that bad after all, but I really need to buy a couple of long sleeve t-shirts.

Just in case anyone is wondering... we celebrate Thanksgiving because my daughter was born in the US and is therefore also American, and we like to keep this tradition alive for her and for us, to remember our time in the US.

As for my pace today, I have no idea what that was because the Garmin died right after the jacket (a trained eye may be able to spot it face down in the stroller pouch). I think it was a good pace, and anyway I felt good throughout the run.

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