Sunday, December 4, 2011

Little voice wins

6,5km Easy Run

7:30am, the alarm goes off. Hmmm. I was bad yesterday: had a beer and went to bed late (midnight is very late for me) because we had a guest.
Do I really want to go out and run in this cold, grey and possibly wet Sunday morning?
Oh, come on, it's just for a short run.

Exactly! It's not an important long run, it's not too bad if I skip it.
But then it will be 4 full days without running.

So what... it's cold.
It's not that cold and you know it, you've already been out when it was much colder.

But maybe it's raining.
I don't hear anything, it can't be raining.

It's no use doing a Magic Mile today, no way I can improve my time with these legs.
Just get out of bed and let's have breakfast, then we'll see. And didn't you want to try the new shoes?


So I went downstairs carrying that little annoying voice inside my head, had breakfast and checked my training program. 6,5km easy run, it said.

See? It's not even the Magic Mile thingy, now go get dressed. You'll be back before anybody even wakes up, from the sound of it. (Snoring noises from all of the rooms)

And out the door I went with my new shoes. It wasn't that cold and it wasn't raining, but it was indeed a grey morning. There were only runners (me and another woman) and dog walkers (a few) out.

km 5,8. Maybe I'll cut it short now.
Come on... you really want to take the shortcut? Make it at least 6km.

km 6. You got all the way here, now arriving home 3 minutes earlier would not make that much of a difference, would it?

km 6,5. Little voice wins. I think I'll hear from you again next Sunday, when it's going to be 17km.

My knees were quiet the whole time. My right quadriceps (particularly the VMO, now that I know what it is) must have noticed the extra support in the shoe and probably needs to adjust to it.

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