Tuesday, October 25, 2011

The training program and Day One

Yesterday I was pretty busy trying to sketch a training program. If you've ever googled marathon training program, you know there's enough to lose your mind even if you just want to pick one program and stick to it. 
Me? I was of course not happy with any of the ready schedules served on the free-for-all internet buffet... too many or too few weekly runs, too many or too few kilometers, suggested pace too fast or too slow, long runs on the wrong days (come on, who's gonna run 26km on Christmas Day???)... so with A LOT of cut and paste I finally came up with a training schedule I'm satisfied with.
I basically took Jeff Galloway's beginner scheme for the long runs on Sunday, and substituted its weekday 30min runs with distances (and paces) from a couple of programs created with Runner's World Smart Coach. Tuesday is my easy run day, always between 5km and 7km, Thursday is for speed work and Sunday for the long run. This allows me to run with the kids during the week without them getting too bored in the stroller, have a very long run only once every 2-3 weeks and include some challenging speed work while still following the general guidelines of a super tried and proved training schedule. 

At this point I'm still not sure whether I will or not adopt Galloway's strategy for the long runs, which includes walk breaks.

SO... today was Day One. 5km, easy, no kids. 

Did I say "easy"? It was not. It was not easy to stick to a pace one minute slower than what I had been running at until now. It was not easy to run without leaning on the stroller, as I didn't know what to do with my arms. And it was not easy to run with a quite annoying (although not strong) pain in my right Achilles tendon, let's see how this goes.
And did I mention that it was also raining a bit? 

But it felt good, boy it felt good. I am no longer just a mom who runs with a stroller, I am a mom who's training for a friggin' marathon. 


  1. Studieró il tuo programma. Io ne avevo trovato uno semplicissimo, per veri principianti di una qualche polisportiva campagnola, che diceva solo quante e quanto lunghe corse fare nei 2 mesi prima della gara. Per il resto era del tipo corri quanto e come vuoi e l'importante è che ti senta bene. ;)
    Io sono fermo da 1,5 settimane per un dolore da affaticamento (credo) al tallone. E scalpito! In bocca al lupo!

  2. Sai qual e' il rischio quando si corre quanto e come si vuole purche' ci si senta bene? Che si corra troppo... e il problema e' che ce ne si accorge quando e' troppo tardi per riparare! E' un po' lo stesso problema che si puo' avere in gara: partire troppo forte e scoppiare a meta'.

  3. non sapevo esistessero i passeggini da corsa!
    Brava, continua così :D
